The Apostolate of Education
We envisage an education which fosters formation, transformation and integration of
Our educational services are Kingdom oriented, giving top priority to the human
person through a purification of the current culture,
ridding it of all anti-human values, practices, beliefs and traditions. Our pro-life
values, attitudes, activities and programmes are
directed to make our students and those we serve, effective instruments all through
life, enabling them to build a New Society.
We insist on quality in education so that the quality of life of the individual in
relation to society will be enhanced.
Our educational service is other centered and communitarian and we
enable those entrusted to
our care to grow into wholeness, helping them cope with life in a positive and
realistic way.
Thus we stress heart values and community values rather than head values and
materialistic values.
Through a socially relevant education we will have sufficient
experience of the poor, so as to strive effectively to
re-orient our education so that it will lead to the freedom of more people, and
bring about a new social order.
Above all, like Jesus the liberator, and our Foundress who tried to
alleviate all types of evils,
we make our education apostolate a means of fostering the personal liberation of our
students, enabling them to become
persons for others so that they will make a valid contribution to build a
civilization of love- the Kingdom